Thanks for your feedback . . .

This isn’t just a client testimonial.

It’s more of a case study describing your ups and downs and the final result. 

The experience is what counts and so I would really like you to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Short, one-line answers become pretty useless as they lack detail. They also can’t really be used, so I'd prefer you put in as much detail as possible in your answers. This detail helps me understand your journey better (and is also an ego booster 😉). 

So I would appreciate the maximum amount of detail in the answers please.



What was the issue or problem you wanted to resolve? How was this affecting you and your business?
What was your main concern that would have prevented you working with me?
What did you find as a result of working with me?
What specific feature did you like most about working with me?
What are three other benefits you got from working with me?
Would you recommend working with me? If so, why?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
